by Gwen
To feel my anger, I have to allow myself to truly experience the emotion:
After years of not feeling our emotions what happens?
Before I learned to feel my anger, I was trying become more enlightened, and a better person by not getting angry. Instead I said things I didn’t mean to say. And my emotions leaked out when I least expected. Sometimes, I said the exact opposite of what I wanted to say. And worse yet, sometimes I said things I didn’t even remember.
I was downright cruel at times.
How I learned to feel my anger when it came to me:
I see that I did this because I didn’t feel my anger and it came out sideways; it leaked out unexpectedly. And it would lead out at people I wasn’t angry with and at people who were emotionally unprepared for it. So, trying to protect others from your anger will often backfire. You might find yourself blowing up and feeling more like a volcano than the sweet loving person your are trying to make yourself into. I have had to accept that I am not and will never be the sweet person I wanted to be. Instead I am me. Sweet sometimes, angry sometimes.

Friends help me feel my anger without major consequence. Me digging a community oven with Tim Simon, Jill Tirrell, and Warren Tirrell
As you begin feeling your emotions, they may be over the top at first. You will be surprised how many people are actually relieved for you to be yourself. If you feel you are over the top and frighten people, check in with them. Ask how was it for them. Apologize if you need and do not let your mind keep going over and over the expression of yourself. The mind will do anything to try to stop you from feeling because it loses control when you are feeling. But this is the reason it is so important, because the emotions are from our creator but our mind only speaks from fear. When I feel my anger, I know the creator is saying something to me.
Be assured that as you express yourself, your emotions will become more balanced. Once you let the backed up emotions flow, the backup of stored emotions will flow out. Then, the emotions will be balanced, and will match the situation you are in. Another benefit when I feel my anger is that I am able to set a boundary with others.
When someone violates your boundary or steps on your toes, the natural response is anger. By feeling your anger, you naturally set a boundary. The only way to stop someone who alway steps on you is to respond with the same amount of energy that they came at you with.
How do you know what that amount is?
There is only one way: by feeling your emotional response. You must allow yourself to feel anger to feel their energy. Then you will respond with the same amount of energy. If you respond with less energy that they came at you with, they will continue to push at you. If you respond with more energy than they did, the Universe will come around at you in some other way.
When you do learn to “Feel My Anger?”
Wordworks Blog Author: Gwen Broz
Gwen Broz is a family practice medical doctor and a shaman, a Native American healer according to the Huichol Indigenous People's tradition in Mexico. Both trainings took about the same amount of time and effort. She works closely with the Sacred Fire Community, which helps people find spiritual connection to their land and their own cultural traditions.
I keep track of community ovens worldwide. (I have contributed to an article about them and was interviewed for a radio segment about them).
I would like to know more about the community oven you helped build, especially about where it is.
This one is at my mom’s house in Brookfield, MA. I’ll alert her to your comment so she can get back to you.
Thank you, Corinna.
I would like to communicate with her and her plans and help put the oven on the map:
Kiko Denzer would probably also like to hear about it.
Our Community oven is in Brookfield, MA. We have the foundation done. We plan to start on it again when it warms up here in the Northeast. I really need a source for clay locally as well. I found a very small amount on our land; a beautiful color that we can use for a finish coat. gwen
You’re batting 1.000, Gwen. Two posts in a row that broadened my knowledge and helped me with a personal problem. In baseball, batting 1.000 means getting a hit every time at bat.
Thanks, Ken. Consider checking out the free Webinar posted on the Undiagnosis face book page on traditional healing’s value for the modern world. gwen.
Here’s the link: