“Peer Support is THE most effective mental health intervention”
– National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, “What Helps, What Hinders,” a report on how effective Peer Support is for Mental Health Recovery
“Problem with the mental health system can be summed up in one word: Medicalization. The solution can be summarized in two words: Peer support.” -Wellness Wordworks founder Corinna West.
Corinna is a Social Entrepreneur, a Struggling Christian, Spoken Word Poet, Olympian, and Psychiatric Survivor. This site is for her LLC, which supports her personal appearances, mental health advocacy, and the development of a consistent mental health social entrepreneurship approach. Wellness Wordworks was founded at 4:00 pm on April 26, 2010. We work with national, local and regional mental health advocates, poets, community activists, and revolutionaries.
For Corinna’s personal website about recovery from 12 psychiatric diagnoses, bicycling across country, or motivational speaking opportunities, go to http://CorinnaWest.com.
For Corinna’s nonprofit business, Poetry for Personal Power, go to http://poetryforpersonalpower.com/
- With Jennifer Wilding of Consensus KC promoting the National Mental Health Dialogue Project
- Unveiling the “Please Cut Our Budget,” T-shirt at the Scout Overlook in Kansas City, MO
- The Poetry for Personal Power rolling bicycle based health fair display booth
- With Su Budd, one of Kansas’ national recovery movment leaders and founders
- Corinna West at KS’s national mental health dialogue promoting complete recovery from Mental Health Labels
- Tina Bendt shows off her “Walking Miracle” pin about all peer specialists
- Edward Duff models the “Cut our Budget” T-shirt explaining the money savings for complete recovery.
- Mental Health is Human: natural supports might be even more effective for treating situational depression
- Corinna West: Intensity performing spoken word at the Arts Bar in Kansas City
- Advocate Jay Mahler from California sports his mental health discussion shirt: “I am not a case, and I don’t need to be managed.”