Spirituality, Wellness, and Work: New York's Central Park, A Man-Made Environment God Would Be Proud Of
I found a mini-scrapbook of “creative dreams,” which could be my partial definition of recovery. It’s a list of what I want to accomplish, through spirituality, wellness, and work, and what gets in my way.
What I Want to Achieve Through Spirituality, Wellness, and Work
1. Build or create something new
2. Help people discover Jesus!
3. Help people live healthier, more productive lives
What Interferes With My Daily Growth
1. Being asked to compromise or sacrifice moral and/or professional standards
2. Others won’t pull their weight and there’s no way for me to resolve this except do all the work)
3. Being in an environment where I can’t make a difference (i.e., personality conflicts, or values not appreciated)
4. Pay not worth my time and/or the commute
5. Poor management, company, industry and/or school;s bad reputation
What Keeps Me Pursuing Spirituality, Wellness, and Work?
1. Having my personality, skills and work style needed and (ideally) appreciated
2. Being able to witness Christ.
3. Feeling allowed to be myself.
4. A friendly work environment (not cutthroat, cliquey or closed to legitimate new ideas, even from new employees).
5. An organized, clear authority structure where everyone takes responsibility for doing their jobs, and doing them well, where it’s clear who’s responsible for what, who’s not responsible for what, whom to report to, and who to complain to).
6. Being able to create ideas or objects.
7. Being paid and evaluated fairly
8. Working for an employer,or clients, willing to give me a well deserved, meaningful reference, instead of some boss who discredits or ignores. or does not appreciate me, or some company saying it’s their policy not to give anyone references.
9. The possibility of advancement depending on my career path and goal(s).
10. Recognition for exceptional work (could be awards or honorary mentions to list on a resume; not necessarily money). Praise helps, too.
11. To feel my work is making a difference in society.
12. An opportunity to maximize my potential eventually.
13. Significant opportunities for personal, spiritual, or professional growth.
14. Meaningful, helpful networking opportunities where needed or wanted.
Organizations, Things and Ideas That Have Inspired Me
1. World Vision
2. Humanitarian organizations providing needed relief in the U.S.
3. The Bible
4. Journaling and inspiring journaling tools
5. Baking and cooking and baking and cooking secrets
6. Arts and crafts
7. Giving to the [responsible, deserving] poor
8. Worshiping God and the things He’s done in my life and others’ lives.
9. Thinking about, dreaming, feeling hope.
10. Being a thrifty (but smart, tasteful) shopper.
11. Green lifestyles.
12. Enjoying favorite foods, especially my own creations.
13. Jobs and careers with purpose
14. Contemplating Heaven
15. Integrating faith and work
16. Contemplating and praising God’s love
17. Trying to create a beautiful life; then, share it with others
18. Re-making bland or ugly objects (arts, crafts, wardrobes, interior decorating)
19. True Christian fellowship 20. Creating beautiful, inspiring, and/or cozy environments (i.e., interior decorating, scrap booking) THERE! Maybe this could be the “spirituality, wellness, and work” part of my recovery plan.
What helps or hinders your spirituality, wellness, and work?
Wordworks Blog Author: Liza Faith Casey
Liza is creating a volunteer replication of The Chocolate Fairy project in North Dakota. She is working to bring honest mental health information to indigenous people in her community. She volunteers with a Mental Health America affiliate and helps spread social messaging for Wellness Wordworks.
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